Police respond to Against Me! cover

Even when they're not present, Against Me! can apparently stoke controversy. At a recent campus event held at Missouri State University, a local band, Rhythm Sandwich, performed a cover of "Baby, I'm an Anarchist" and caused someone to lodge a profanity complaint.

Apparently, the line "I was burning that fucker And stringing my black flag high" was enough to bring in police. According to Missouri State's Expressive Activity Policy, the Bear Paw is an area on campus that has been designated a free speech zone for all people regardless of their connection to the university to express themselves.

However, expression that is obscene, defamatory or incites violence is not entitled to First Amendment protection and not permitted by the policy. This is particularly interesting since the First Amendment is usually used as the definition of the First Amendment.

You can check out the rest of the story here.