Quote Unquote updates, "response" to Radiohead and Saul Williams

Our friends at Quote Unquote have updated us on the current state of the label and what they're looking forward to in the future on their one year anniversary of existence. They posted a hella long blog about it, and we've managed to suss out the important stuff.

First off, this Tuesday marks the internet release of the O Pioneers split with Bomb The Music Industry, which you can already stream here at the Org via their respective band profiles.

They also have some "surprises" for the month of December, reminding us that their lack of reliance on "store" allows them to keep schedules that most record labels cannot. So, in their words: "watch out after Thanksgiving for some new bands that we're working with, some old bands that we're finally working with, some reissues maybe, shit, a comp with unreleased jams too."
They also have their own take on the recent press that Radiohead has been getting for their donation–based album.

What did we get up getting? Iffy bitrates, no album art, and not even a complete track listing of the next record. Granted, them giving their music away for free is a really nice gesture but when it's uncovered as marketing it doesn't seem as revolutionary. At the same time, the new Saul Williams record has just been release under a donation basis by another 90's–rock–legend–turned–flat–out–rock–legend. This record is available for free download, or a higher quality download for 5 bucks. And obviously, these records have gotten more press than the stable of Quote Unquote unknowns.

To cap it off, the obvious question: "Is this a bummer? Who knows." You can read the rest of the story here.