Brother's Keeper singer stabbed at CBGB's

"Brother's Keeper singer Mike Ski was stabbed at CBGB's on sunday(Jan. 20th). a fight broke out between two guys and Mike stepped in to try and stop it. He was stabbed in the leg and quickly taken to the hospital by Carl From Nora. The show was stopped immediately. He was quickly patched up and sent home to rest. any letters can be sent to"
You can read a letter addressing the issue from Shai Hulud [who were playing that night] by clicking on "Read More."

Hello friends,

Apparently, there was an incident during a show last night (1/20/
02) at CBGB's in New York City, where one of the underground
scene's biggest contributors and supporters was stabbed in the
thigh. Even In the shadow of the tragedy less than six months
ago, the thirst for violence and disarray still remains. We are
aghast, absolutely repulsed, and vehemently angry.

The victim is not only one of our greatest friends, he also
happens to be one of the smartest, most respected and sincere
people involved in our junkyard of an underground scene. An
attack on such a person, as well as an attack on any innocent
and unsuspecting person(s), is simply reprehensible -
regardless of whether they are at show, or in The World Trade
Center. A blatant disregard for life and limb is, and will always
be, a blatant disregard for life and limb. We are disgusted. And
to think we are often asked "why" in regard to a song titled "A
Profound Hatred of Man." Is there any wonder at all…

The world will always be hostile and violent. Our shows do not
have to reflect these common, and widespread attributes. We
have heard of this scene called Hardcore. We have heard fans
of Hardcore were supposed to know better. That's what we
heard anyway…

From a wild and random flying fist into a bystander's face to a
knife in a bystander's thigh, there is a problem. There is little
regard for anyone's safety at a Hardcore show, however, regard
for image or notoriety is top priority. It's high time these priorities
were reassessed. The venues that host the shows do not wish
anyone harm. The show promoters do not wish anyone harm.
The bands everyone is supposedly coming to see do not wish
anyone harm. What's the problem? We speculate the problem
stems from the people that suffer from bravado and insecurity.
Their weaknesses cause them to misinterpret a shows
aggression and energy, and everything every band involved in
our junkyard is passionately screaming with those, however few,
blessed with any degree of sense. This is not a game. There
are no passwords or reset buttons. None of us are immortal. If
that knife entered the victim just a few inches upward, he could
have been permanently paralyzed or killed. This is insanity. No

Do not be a jackass.
Respect is life.
Life is precious.
Pain and death do not discriminate.
Do not contribute to disarray.
Be part of the solution.

If these hands would only kill - they would certainly cleanse the
