Paint it Black post new song, blog update

Paint it Black have made available another song from their forthcoming third album The New Lexicon. 'We Will Not' can be heard at the band's MySpace page. The band has also posted a blog update detailing what they have planned for the next little while.
You can click Read More for the update.

What's up everybody? Excitement is mounting here at P.I.B. Headquarters, as we're only a week away from the release of our new album, "New Lexicon". For your enjoyment we're posting a new song today called, "We Will Not". The lyrics are posted on the player too, if you're interested (and you should be, because this is about way more than music!).

To celebrate the release of "New Lexicon" we're playing a basement show the following Friday in Allentown, PA. We're only playing one show that weekend because we want to be around for our brothers-in-arms the Loved Ones as they play their first Philly show since the release of their new album. Make sure to support them this Sunday at the Church! Also, while I'm passing out kudos: Big ups to friends This Is Hell from Long Island. I met up with the Blacklisted guys on Sunday night to go see them play at the North Star. They killed it! Speaking of Blacklisted, they have a new album coming out this spring, too, so keep your eyes and ears open, because it's sure to be insane!!!

Most of you know that we're heading out on a short tour with Strike Anywhere starting on March first. If you live between Boston and Virginia Beach we'll see you real soon. Keep checking the show listings in the coming days, because we're finalizing a bunch of other shows as we speak.