Break-ups: Dead To Fall (1999-2008)

Dead To Fall has called it a day. The band explained:

Dead to Fall is no more. After 9 years, it's time to say good–bye. There really isn't an easy way to say this, but the Dead To Fall machine broke beyond repair this last weekend. I guess the financial, personal, and emotional strains wore some of us down and caused a violent collapse. After a show in Wisconsin, Logan and Chad quit this past weekend.

I won't go into the whole 'behind the music band break up scenario' but it was a night filled with retarded actions and words. The rest of us don't want to go through yet another major line–up change and really are just ready for a new chapter in our lives. The Super Massive Fist tour with Impending Doom, Arsonists Get All the Girls and Sea of Treachery is continuing on without us. We have no idea if we are going to play a last show or not, but at this point there is nothing planned.

The band released Are You Serious? this year.