Jim Ward talks about Sleepercar, Sparta's hiatus, and being off a major label

Late Night Wallflower recently sat down with Jim Ward, leader of Sleepercar and Sparta. In the interview, he talks about the beginning of Sleepercar, along with Sparta's hiatus and how the band is currently label-less. Ward had this to say:

It was in that meeting where I looked at a calendar and said 'I'm going to be thirty two next year. I want to go now. Let's take 2008 off.' Everybody was fine with it. It wasn't a big deal. We were on the road for fifteen months. Keeley [Davis, guitarist for Sparta] just got married when Threes came out. He never really got to be home for the first year and a half of his marriage. I know he's just enjoying being home and designing. I don't see any reason to be on any timeline. I don't have any label contracts right now so I can do whatever I want. I want to take advantage of that. I've been under a major since I was twenty three.

You can read the full text of the interview here.