rips into Warped Tour

Something Awful have taken Warped, Against Me!, Set Your Goals and Katy Perry to task in their latest column by Andrew "Garbage Day" Miller:

Warped Tour 2008 features a band roster that's so brutally and invasively stupid that the whole event inevitably becomes an eight-hour brain rape. Revisiting the trauma now feels like ripping open a freshly stitched gash, but Warped Tour remains at large for more than a month, and if I can save someone in Elkton, Florida or Shakopee, Minnesota from the horrors of enduring this torture marathon, well, it's worth the searing agony.

He had some less than kind words for Against Me! as well:

Like Anti-Flag (mercifully not present), Against Me! dodges criticism by being aggressively sincere about its idealistic yet horrible music. It's like if some wimpy, beige-sweatered guy who's on the verge of tears plays a wretched Springsteen cover at a coffee shop.

Playing overblown folk-rock to promote noble causes is more laudable than playing eyeliner emo in order to fuck teenagers, I guess, but let's not mistake Against Me! for a bastion of punk purity. The members of Crass would fucking crucify themselves before playing something like Warped Tour.

His description of the Higher:

The Higher is an emo band with an R&B singer, a combination that's like reading that you're fired, then having the termination notice squirt acid in your face.

You can find the rest of the article here.