Ground Control documents "Pioneers of Punk" show in San Francisco

Ground Control Magazine caught the recent Pioneers of Punk show at The Fillmore in San Francisco. The show featured the bands that launched the punk scene in San Francisco in the late 70's: Flipper, Avengers, The Mutants and Negative Trend. The show was hosted by standup comedian Neil Hamburger. An excerpt reads:

As they begin ripping through renditions of "Be Good," "Sacrifice" and "Ha Ha Ha," the crowd sways with the music. Loose is a dominant and dynamic front man, his rough, raspy growl shaking the walls through the power of the amplifiers. But no matter how good a performer, there's only so much he can do to rile up the crowd. "We're having fun. Not sure about you," he says with his back to the audience. And the truth is, the crowd doesn't seem to be having much fun. They are enjoying the show, but the urgency and anger that is so essential to punk shows seems to be gone. Then again, maybe it's just past their bedtime.

You can check out photos and the full review at Ground Control's site.