CNN asks: "Is 'Guitar Hero' saving rock 'n' roll?"

CNN recently posed the question: Is Guitar Hero saving rock 'n' roll?. According to the article "rock music" is experiencing a halo effect wherein young people who are exposed to new-to-them bands via rhythm games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band are then seeking out these bands' actually albums and releases. According to Billboard when Guitar Hero: Aerosmith was released there was a "40 Percent" jump in their catalog sales.

The article interviews Lars Ulrich of Metallica, whose Death Magnetic will be playing in GH, and his son. You may remember Ulrich for his earlier, outspoken rants against digital media and sharing services like Napster even though now Metallica's new single is both streaming at MySpace and is available on iTunes.

What say you, Org readers? Do you think that rhythm games like Rock Band or Guitar Hero can help save rock? Would you expect a greater interest in punk if more bands like the Clash, the Misfits or even Rancid were put in?
And most importantly, does anyone else pull out a real amp to stand on while playing?