After two years Cometbus #51 now available

After two years Aaron Cometbus has finally issued a new issue of his legendary punk zine. Cometbus #51: The Loneliness of the Electric Menorah features a comprehensive 100 page history of Moe's and other used book stores from Berkeley, California's Telegraph Avenue. The zine is available now from independent book and record stores for $3 dollars. Aaron described the issue thusly:

Watch closely as the births of underground comics, used records, paperbacks, new age publishing, posters, and even yuppies are all traced back to an argument between two Berkeley bookstore owners in 1963. Did I say the last issue was the best ever? I lied. I promise, you'll be pleasantly surprised. A non-fiction novel.

Aaron Elliott started Cometbus in 1983 and has self-published the work ever since. Throughout the 80s and 90s the handwritten and often very personal zine documented the punk rock lifestyle in Oakland and Berkeley. Past material from the zines have since been reprinted and archived in a number of formats.