Sonic Youth begins work on new album

New York, NY's Sonic Youth have begun work on a new album. The band recently completed their contract with Geffen through the release of Rather Ripped in 2006, and will be returning to an independent label. Says leader Moore to Rolling Stone:

"There's one label we are certainly going to go with at this point," he says. "But I don't think I'm allowed to disclose that right now. I don't want to risk having a shit storm. I've written a half-dozen song ideas. I try not to complete them so much. Last time we got together, we were creating sort of new band-zone-vibe sort of things. It feels great The last four or five records we did were just so compromised by that [major label] situation. But that's the way it goes.

This album will put the band's back catalog up in the 20s, including the recently re-released Goo [Deluxe Edition]. The band also just released a Greatest Hits record.