Some Alternative Tentacles news that's *not* about the lawsuit

"Jello Biafra is releasing his latest spoken word disk called "The Big Kaboom part 1." It is only 1 CD this time and focuses entirely on the September 11 terrorist attacks and the even-uglier aftermath. Jello digs up the dirt on George W. Bush's staff and details some historical events that may have contributed to the attacks. This was recorded in November at Madison, Wisconsin during this winter's spitfire tour. Much like the classic anti-Gulf War single, Die For Oil, Sucker, this is an emergency release that should be interesting and stay relevant for years to come. The album should ship by March 27. In other AT news: They have a new label sampler called "Apocalypse Always" and contains 26 tracks, 11 of which are previously unreleased including a Mumia Abu-Jamal take on 9/11, a DOA track, Jello teaming up with Randy Bachman(of Guess Who fame), Chris Houston and Garnet Sweatshirt to do a new version of "American Woman", and Jello honoring the late Joey Ramone. ("