Mastodon's Brent Hinds in confrontation with King Khan

On September 18th Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds was allegedly in a confrontation with garage punk maven King Khan (of the Shrines and BBQ Show). Pitchfork and a number of blogs are reporting on the incident, and the `fork has pictures.

In short, Khan was in town from Berlin to support Atlanta scene fixture BJ Womack, who was just diagnosed with brain cancer. Khan, Womack, Chicago's Frank Jensen (of the Tyrades and the Busy Signals) and drummer Jessica Juggz performed at the Highland Inn Lounge's weekly Kirkwood Ballers Club open mic. After a few songs, Hinds spontaneously joined the group on stage. For what happened next, we'll refer you back to Pitchfork's account, but know it involves a dumped beer, the "greatest guitar player alive," a split lip, and a $2,700 hospital bill.

All parties are reportedly "cool" now.