Shook Ones enter studio, update blog

The Shook Ones are hard at work recording their new LP, set to be released early next year on Paper and Plastick. Once recorded the album will be mixed by Matt Alison at Atlas Studio in Chicago. Don't take our word for it, though. The band has been documenting it all, saying

It's Sunday. I (jimmy) flew back home to Philadelphia on Thursday after finishing up tracking the drums. Bo did his bass tracks on Thursday and Friday. One song was so raging, the bass amp literally caught on fire. So all this left Scott with a lot of time on his hands. Scott used this time to work on his stand up comedy routine and also discover a new found interest in Badgers. So we're about half way through tracking all the songs for the new record. I'm really happy with how things are going. I'm even more excited to play the new songs live. Check back for more videos of us in the studio.

For more, head on over to the band's blog