Welcome to Woody

Punknews.org switched servers today, moving from a hosting location in Edmonton, Alberta to one in San Antonio, Texas. The new Punknews server's name is Woody (the last two were Strummer and Joey, if you're noticing a pattern). There will be a period of up to 48 hours in which some of you will see "woody.punknews.org" in your address bar instead of "www." Once the powers that be all agree where the new server is you'll all see "www." Don't worry though, you're all be accessing the live site one way or the other.

The new machine is far more powerful than the previous, so we hope that you all find the site a little snapper, particularly on those 500 comment Tom Gabel articles. Let us know if you encounter any problems in the next few days.

This is also the first step towards some exciting new changes at the Org, some of which have been in the works for more than a year now. Stay tuned.