Editors' Picks: Thousandaires, Tellison

Brian: Usually, "members of" information doesn't really provide any insight into what a band actually sounds like. However, Thousandaires not only comprise of members from Bridge and Tunnel, Halo Fauna and Get Bent, but they actually resemble a potent, smooth blend of all those bands. Brooklyn videographer punx If You Make It recently posted a veritable wealth of releases for free download, one of which is Thousandaires' three-song demo. Don't let it get lost in the shuffle -- you can download it in a ZIP file here.
Aubin: Tellison's record is a relatively old one having been released in 2007, but it remains one of my surprise favorites - at least according to iTunes. The young band takes the sound of 90s-era emo, channeling both The Promise Ring and Braid along with a strong rock foundation. They have some terrific songs posted on their myspace page, but if you have to pick two, go with "Gallery" and "Reader."