Punknews presents: For Those Still Standing by Mike Hale

As of tomorrow, Punknews.org is proud to present a new feature from Mike Hale (Gunmoll, In The Red). Today Mike packed up his belongings, moved out of his apartment and committed himself to literally living as a touring musician.
For the next while, Mike is going to be checking in to share his experiences. We hope you're as excited as we are to have such an influential and passionate songwriter doing so.
You can click Read More for a preview of the first entry.

My name is Mike Hale. I'm 34 years old, and today was the last day of my life.
I packed up my tools with a little extra care at the end of my work day today. Who knows when they'll be used again. Did i mention that I'm a carpenter / was a carpenter?
That's kind of the problem. Ive been wanting a different life for so long. I cant' remember a time when i wasn't wishing for it.
I play guitar and sing a little too. That, also being part of the problem. it's all I've ever wanted to do. so much so, that everyday, I spend almost every minute day-dreaming about it……..
Gave my boss notice, sold my truck, have a safe place to store all my personal shit. I'm going on tour… full time. By full time I mean that from now on my occupation will solely consist of playing music. I will either be touring on my own or with In The Red. I'm leaving this life behind.