Videos: Man Man: "Rabbit Habits (with Fred Armisen, Brett Gurewitz, others)"

Man Man has posted an elaborate short film/horror movie/music video for their song, "Rabbit Habbits." To that end, the band collaborated with Fred Armisen from Saturday Night Live, Martin
Starr from Superbad and Charlyne Yi from Knocked Up.
There are also cameos from Anti label head Brett Gurewitz and a
famed ice cream man.

The director explained the concept:

I met the band backstage at their LA show and we
decided that we wanted to make a video for the song. harlyne was friends with Ryan (aka Honus Honus of Man Man) and the
two of them came up with this concept of a werewolf romance. I
thought it was a great idea. Charlyne then reached out to Fred and
Martin who she knew and they were both fans of the band and wanted
to do it. Fred was really great. He flew out from New York for a
night just to shoot it and was down for the cause. It's really
intended as a tribute to classic Hollywood B movies. There's the
Teen Wolf van surfing scene and an homage to several classic horror
films. We weren't really worried about getting it on MTV as much as
we just wanted to do something completely original.

You can click Read More for the video.