Former Jawbreaker/Shorebirds members form Mutoid Men; RVIVR plan new 7"

RVIVR, the newest endeavor for former Shorebirds and Latterman frontman Matt Canino, is already planning a new 7" single.

Derailer will be sent to the presses this week and is expected to be released on Rumbletowne next month. The band just released their Life Moves 7" on the label as well.

Canino has also started another band, along with former Shorebirds bandmate and Jawbreaker bassist Chris Bauermeister. The project is called Mutoid Men and is described by Canino as "wild scientific rock with moog keyboards. Like AC/DC on acid." That band has nearly completed recording their 12-song debut full-length, Mutoid World.

Erica from RVIVR also recently released a self-titled 7" with her other band, Glue!.