John Lydon's PiL tour to be funded from Country Life Butter commercials

Punk legend John Lydon has responded to the controversy about his Country Life butter commercials by revealing that the £5m TV campaign was instrumental in funding his forthcoming tour with Public Image Limited.

Speaking to Camden New Journal, the singer said this:

Why are they questioning me? What manual am I supposed to adopt? I'm promoting a British product which I'm very proud of. Anything I can do to help British industry is fine by me and in return you've got PiL. he money I got from that advert is the advance on the PiL tour. We live on a lucky end of a shoestring here until the first gig money comes in.

Also, regarding the tour, Lydon had this to say:

Expect extreme good taste, variety, voracity, honesty, excitability - a full gauntlet of all the emotions a human being can possibly go through. Songs that experience the tragedy of death to the joy of life.