Sunday Edition: Punknews welcomes Richard Verducci

We've been making a lot of changes over at Punknews HQ, and we are as excited about today's announcement as we have been about any other over the past month. With Punknews continuing to grow, we realized we needed some more help. Thus, we turned to our good friend and longtime community member, Dante 3000, legally known as Richard Verducci. Rich will be coming on board as our new Interview Editor. Rich is an experienced interviewer through his long-running podcast Sound Scene Revolution. He's got a great stable of writers who will continue to write insightful interviews with some great bands. In related news, I (Ben Conoley) will be taking up the new position of Managing Editor. You might not see my name on as many articles, but I'll be kicking around.

As always, thanks for reading. Feel free to welcome Dante, er, Rich, in the comments section.