Stephen Egerton: "South for the Winter (with Tim McIlrath)"

A stream has been launched of another new song from Stephen Egerton's upcoming debut solo release. The record is titled The Seven Degrees of Stephen Egerton and is due out May 11, 2010 via Paper and Plastick. The song is titled "South for the Winter" and features Rise Against vocalist Tim McIlrath who co-wrote the vocal melody and lyrics for the track.

Check it out here.

The article also asks Stephen about the collaboration:

I came up with the music first, then recorded it and sent it to Tim. He came up with the lyrics and melody. When I write music, I usually start with a guitar or bass riff, or a vocal melody and go from there. On this record I had written vocal melodies for most of the songs, but let the singers do their own or change them if they wanted to. Tim wanted to do his own melody on this song, which was fine with me. I love what he came up with.