Swellers and Face to Face interview each other

Even though MySpace is clearly trying to copy our (probably) award-winning Band on Band series, they did it with The Swellers and Face to Face so it will be forgiven. The article includes Jonathan Diener of The Swellers and Trever Keith of Face to Face. Jonathan had this to say about Face to Face and the tour:

It's just a punk rock summer camp, it's a festival where it's not just great exposure for your band it's great for networking with so many people and it's something special for the people coming to watch you. Even though we only play 30 minute sets we can cram in nine songs because we don't take breaks. The fact that Face To Face is even on this tour is amazing for us. We played with them at the Groezrock festival in Belgium and they were one of my favorite bands of the day, they just sounded awesome. It's always cool when people say we sound like Face To Face to them because we grew up on Fat Wreck Chords and Epitaph. So when we were watching them we were like, "I hope we can be like that someday."

Keith for his part commented on the changes over the 15 years of the tour. Face to Face performed on the inaugural version of the Warped Tour back in 1995:

Well, styles and tastes have changed considerably. [Laughs.] I'm glad to see there's still a skate ramp out here and athletes, which is really cool. But it's become more like a carnival. It's become more like Spongebob Squarepants... it used to be a little more rock 'n roll and now it's a little more dayglo, you know? We also haven't been on the Warped Tour in nearly a decade and for a veteran band like us it's a good way to connect with a younger audience.

The Swellers are supporting their Fueled By Ramen Records album, Ups and Downsizing. Face to Face recently announced the completion of their first album in eight years.

Check out the feature here.