Smashing Pumpkins plan benefit for Madina Lake bassist

According to a Chicago Tribune report, the Smashing Pumpkins have announced plans to throw a benefit to raise money for Madina Lake bassist Matthew Leone. Leone was severely injured after courageously intervening in the beating of a woman in Chicago, IL.

Tickets are on sale through the Metro Web site. A majority will be raffled off. To enter the raffle, individuals must pay $10 per entry and may enter as many times as they wish. Each winner will receive two tickets. The raffle will end at 2 p.m. Saturday and winners will be notified via email three hours later. Balcony seats also will be sold for $100; a package including a meeting and photo with the Pumpkins and a balcony table for the show is available for $500.

All proceeds will go toward covering the medical costs of Matthew Leone. The show is set for July 27th.