Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:


Who's the most punk recording artist that is not considered a punk by most critics and music fans?


This is a pretty interesting question.

We're more in the habit of defining bands by the company they keep and the ideals they extol than their sound. For example, we'll happily call acts like Austin Lucas or Frank Turner punk despite the fact that what they're playing is often (from a strict genre classification perspective) better labelled as country or folk or plain old rock'n'roll. At the same time bands that are closer to punk in sound but not really part of the modern punk scene we're always uneasy about calling punk. Take British bands like the Libertines or Futureheads, they've got some pretty dead-on punk moments sound-wise but as they didn't/don't run with punk bands (at least big recognizable North American punk bands) they're not often spoken of as punk.

As for what's the most egregious misclassification? I have no idea.

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Jesse Raub's coffee blogging at Bitter Press,

Adam White's Niagara video blog Check In Niagara and his tumblog,

Justin August's tumblogs at and Other Stuff That I Like,

Bryne Yancey's Orlando blog Overheated,


Chris Moran's videos at Vimeo.

Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @jesseraub, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @bconoley, @dante3000 and @bryneyancey's every move at Twitter. Where else are you online? Share your links below and keep connected with the Punknews community.