Alexisonfire to Stream Holiday Concert via Facebook

Alexisonfire has announced a surprise show set to take place on December 17 at Sonic Boom, an independent record shop in Toronto. Despite the inherit contradiction in announcing a surprise show, the show promises to be a barn burner. Alexisonfire will at the very least be playing their new Dog's Blood EP front-to-back and admission to the show will be dealt with on a first-come-first-serve basis. The 3:00pm show will likely reach capacity very quickly, but those not able to attend will be able to check it out via the band's Facebook page.
As stated above, Alexisonfire most recently released Dog's Blood with Old Crows, Young Cardinals acting as its predecessor in 2009. Two side-projects stemming from the band have also been busy with City and Colour having two EPs on the horizon (one a split 12" with Shad) and Black Lungs with a new 7" on Derranged Records.