The Flaming Lips to release one song per month in 2011

Surely taking a cue from the Bouncing Soulses and Joey Capes of the world, The Flaming Lips are planning to release one new song per month in 2011. Frontman Wayne Coyne recently spoke about the project with Rolling Stone:

"Not that I think the old way was boring, but to spend another two years with the same 13 songs, it's just like fuck ... I think we're going to just start to do things and put it out. Once we get 11 or 12 songs together, maybe we'll do something else with it. We want to try to live through our music as we create it instead of it being a collection of the last couple years of our lives."

The band will also film videos throughout the process and perhaps even release the songs on vinyl or with toys. This new material will follow up the group's 2009 effort, Embryonic.