More on the Fattening of Canada

Melanie sent me the new Fat Canada announcement/press release. Click below to read it.

  • For Immediate Release ***
  • Announcing the new
    Canadian Fat Wreck Chords Office

    Coming to Toronto, Ontario Canada, is the new office for Fat Wreck Chords. The new branch will be headed by Melanie Kaye, whose been doing press for various bands and labels for the past fifteen years, and will primarily focus on press all across Canada for Fat Wreck Chords, including the affiliated sub-labels, Honest Don~Rs and the new Pink and Black.

    This new office was felt needed by the label due to the growing fan base of Fat Wreck Chord and Honest Don's bands in Canada. With those bands touring the Great White North at least eight months out the year, it only made sense to have a Canadian home base to assist the bands by setting up magazine, television and radio interviews, mailing out press packages, guiding touring bands with each Canadian date by being available for them, and so on.

    Plans for a launch party of the new office are underway, and we'll keep you posted on the details.

    Needless to say, we are very excited about the news and hope you fellow Canucks out there are too. We're sure it will be a continued pleasure working with you all, and until next time, take care and keep rockin!

    Fat Wreck Chords - Canada