New Review Update: Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ask and ye shall receive. I mentioned last week that we could use a review for the new We Were Promised Jetpacks album, and ya'll delivered. Which reminds me. The Org is volunteer-run. You get what you put into your community, and if you want to see a specific record reviewed, consider writing about it yourself. Everyone else on the Internet is wrong anyways. If there's a record you think demands the attention of the populace, past or present, check out our Reviews Submission form in the Reviews section. Stick around long enough, and maybe you can join our mighty staff (which means free stuff like albums, concert tickets and back rubs. Because we're friends, right?). Anyhoozle, we've posted some new reviews. You can check them out below:

You can check out any of our 10671 reviews right here