...through the mud

us that Alternative Tentacles has
posted the following update on the Dead Kennedys legal battle. "True to the
spirit and vision of Dead Kennedys (ho ho ho) East Bay Ray and Co. have filed a
new lawsuit against Jello Biafra claiming he is interfering with their ability
to profiteer off of Dead Kennedys."

If one needs any more proof  that this lawsuit has gained notoriety
outside the punk community, click below to see a transcript of a scene from one
of the latest episodes of television drama Gilmore Girls. The show got clearance
to use a Dead Kennedys from both Jello Biafra and
East Bay Ray. Somehow I doubt Ray cleared the dialogue...

Here is the dialog:

[a boy walks up to Lane]
DAVE: Excuse me, Lane?
LANE: That's me.
DAVE: Okay, great, I'm Dave Rygalski.
LANE: Right, hi. You're a guitarist.
DAVE: Yeah.
LANE: But how'd you know I was me?
DAVE: The Dead Kennedys shirt was a tip off. (he's wearing a DK fresh fruit
for rotting vegetables shirt.)
LANE: Good thinking. Hey, uh, isn't it a drag that Jello Biafra isn't singing
for them anymore?
DAVE: Yeah, now their front-man's that kid from the Courtship of Eddie's
LANE: Yeah, what's next - Urkel joining the Wu-Tang Clan?
DAVE: Or maybe Malcolm in the Middle fronting for the Butthole Surfers.
LANE: Some things are sacred.
DAVE: I'm with ya on that.
LANE: So, um, what's your band like?
DAVE: We do a lot of cool covers - uh, the Clash, the Kinks, et cetera.
Statistically, it's like thirty-eight of the forty-three bands you listed.
LANE: Nice percentage.