Titus Andronicus and Ted Leo plan Occupy Wall Street benefit

Tonight (November 21st), Titus Andronicus and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists will be hitting Brooklyn's Shea Stadium for perform an Occupy Wall Street benefit. Titus Andronicus' Patrick Stickles talked about his support for OWS and the show via the band's blog:

Actually, no. I just got out my cell piece, buzzed my man Ted Leo, told him that war had broken out, heard him say that he saw it also, pooled the strength and enthusiasm of Titus with that of him and his Pharmacists, quickly came upon an agreed course of action, and that was it. No managers, no booking agents, no handlers, no advisers, no publicists, no nothing. Just some Jersey boys seeing that the world is fucked up and pledging to devote whatever meager strength and energy we may have to its correction

The show will benefit the National Lawyer's Guild, which he also explained:

Human rights need to be defended by someone, and it has become excruciatingly clear that the NYPD lacks both the ability and the wherewithal to even attempt to do so. If the police will not defend our rights, we will find someone else who will. These lawyers have been massively generous, and we will look forward to putting three thousand dollars into their pockets, so that they may eat, be sheltered, be clothed, and so forth, while they are putting aside their own capitalist dreams for a cause bigger than themselves. We should all be so brave and so generous as these lawyers.