Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: Do you think a main stream band that is not really punk rock, along the lines of System of a Down, will ever be number 1# for a top list at punknews? Do you think that people are too hip and want to pick a band that they just heard about?

A: System of A Down's "Toxicity" was the #1 album of the year for Punknews. I think it was 2003 maybe. Also Brand New's major label debut (which wasn't really punk) was number 1.
I understand why you might think we wouldn't pick a mainstream artist given recent year's selections but for the editorial staff, it is much more about the music than the label or level of popularity. We all have different tastes, Adam White loves Neil Young, I have a soft spot for pop music, I'm pretty sure Kira listens to nothing but powerviolence (okay, I can't confirm that). The point is, that we always try to rate music based on merit and not if it fits the definition of "punk rock". Hopefully we can maintain that low standard we've set.


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