Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: Other than Roger from Less Than Jake's notorious drug dealing, what are your favorite punk rock day jobs?

A: I think the most common day job is some sort of restaurant job, simply because it lends itself to touring life. But I'd say the best day job is the carpenter (a trade I know is practiced by Mike Hale and Chuck Ragan). There's something both inherently masculine and independent about carpentry. You have a skill that involves working with your hands and you're able to hire yourself out as available.
You're not out selling soda to kids, or going over orders for some large client or some other bean counter job (to be clear, the only jobs I've had as an adult are white collar, bean counter jobs), you're going out and building something. A house, a desk, a table anything. That's pretty damn impressive, from an outsider standpoint but maybe I'm just romanticizing about Chuck Ragan making me a desk...shirtless.

Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @dante3000, @amilianne, @kiraface, @mcflynnthm, @kidecono, @MsApocalypse, @mattycantfail, @wackymondo, and @BrittStrummer's every move at Twitter. Where else are you online? Share your links below and keep connected with the Punknews community.