Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: The term "sellout" seems to get throw around loosely nowadays; what is your definition of a band that "sells out" and/or can you give an example of a band that, in your opinion, is a "sellout?"

A: To me the term "sellout" feels like it thrown around a lot more in the few years after Blink-182 broke than now. Think back to when H2O and the Explosion signed to majors and dramatically cleaned up their sound. The criticism seems to have burned itself out after Rancid went to Warner / Sire and started hanging out with the Osbournes. None of these bands ended up really making anything of their big major label jump. The emperor had no clothes.

These days I don't feel like I hear it that much. The major labels have been so crippled by the Internet, a fragmented audience and horrible business decisions that signing to one today hardly amounts to a get rich quick scheme. It's just a different kind of risk.

I don't think anyone's under the illusion these days that bands make much money in any situation. If they're going to take some wild swing at making money I'm less inclined to get angry about it than I did when I was a teenager.

- Adam

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