Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

I've always wondered, what kind of people are the people that spend a few hundred bucks or more on a punk 7" record on eBay. Rich people? Execs? The independently wealthy? Hardcore nerds?

A: Good question....I have no idea. I am a big fan of vinyl and for a good number of years was a "collector". I had only a few bands I actively collected but among them was Dead to Me and American Steel. Both had records I needed (their first LP, on clear vinyl for DTM) but both went for insane amounts on ebay, at the time. I could never get myself to spend more than $45 and both went for over $100. So, I don't know who would value a record (rare or otherwise) so much.

The main thing is, not to look down on these people. The knee-jerk reaction is to assume that because someone spends a lot of money on a record that they don't need (because the music is readily available or it's just a variant) that they're a dumb collector and don't like music simply because of the music. That's very narrow minded and assumes a great deal about the buyer that we can't possibly know. So, while it isn't my choice I hope whatever CEO/Secret Millionaire/college kid that does it really thinks hard about their expensive purchase and really enjoys it.


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