Want to be on a Green Day tribute?

If you answered a resounding "Yes!" to the headline, than read on:
"Hey there! My name is Jason and I am the proud owner of Skunk Ape Records located in Friendly Hills, CA. My label specializes in Punk/Power Pop releases. Our very first release was "Making Noise" a
tribute to Weezer, which was released back in February of 2001. My label has recently received the rights to produce our next tribute album, Green Day! We are now in the pre-production stages and are currently looking to recruit Punk bands to cover their favorite Green Day song!"

To read the full letter and to find out how your band can submit a song to be on this tribute record, click READ MORE. If you'd like to read a review of their Weezer tribute, please click here.

Hey there! My name is Jason and I am the proud owner of Skunk Ape Records
located in Friendly Hills, CA. My label specializes in Punk/Power Pop
releases. We have been in business for no more than a year and a half and
currently have 9 releases. Our very first release was "Making Noise" a
tribute to Weezer, which was released back in February of 2001. The album
has been very successful and is the sole reason why our label has been able
to grow and maintain our consistent release schedule. My label has recently
received the rights to produce our next tribute album, Green Day! We all
love Green Day as much as we love Weezer and we think it will do very well
for us and all of the bands involved. We are now in the pre-production
stages and are currently looking to recruit Punk bands to cover their
favorite Green Day song! We believe in giving every band a chance to be on
this album therefore we do not just go for "Big Name" bands. We pride
ourselves on being fair and offering the opportunity to everyone! We are
now accepting cover song submissions from all bands and we will choose the
best tracks (hands down) to put on the album. All bands that are on the
album will receive worldwide distribution and promotion just like we did
with the Weezer Tribute. The tribute album will be available in stores
everywhere (Best Buy, Tower, Wherehouse, Hot Topic, Amazon.com, CDNow.com,
Borders, Target, WalMart, etc…) and will ultimately increase your bands
exposure on a global scale. Skunk Ape Records will also be paying out all
bands on the album the industry standard royalty rate on all units sold on a
quarterly basis. We feel that this is a great opportunity for us to recruit
only the best sounding songs for the album (regardless of how big the bands
are) while at the same time maintaining our label's goal to support the hard
working "Indie-punk" bands, as they have supported us in our early days!
Please feel free to contact us at info@skunkaperecords.com
or you may send in your Green Day cover
song (on CDR format) to:

Skunk Ape Records
8671 Enramada Ave
Whittier, CA 90605

The deadline for song submission is January 31st of 2002.

Please keep in mind that any Green Day song that you wish to cover must be a
previously released song (including B-sides and singles) but nothing from a
rare homemade tape by Green Day or anything that you wouldn't normally be
able to buy at a regular record store. If you wish, you may first submit a
good quality home recording to us so that we can get an idea of where you
will be going with the song, and then if we choose your song to be on the
album, you will need to supply a professional studio quality recording of
your song to Skunk Ape Records. We offer this strategy so that your band
does not go out and spend a ton of money to record a studio quality song and
then end up not being chosen to be on the album. So if you want to make it
easy on the wallet, just go ahead and send us in a demo recording that won't
cost you hardly anything! Also, please understand that this is in no way a
binding contract and your band making the final cut to be on the album is
subject to approval of your cover song by our staff. We would like your
band to cover whichever Green Day song you can cover the best. Sure we can
ask you to cover a particular song but then what if you could have done
better on a different song right? Basically, just cover your favorite Green
Day song and one that you guys can really do a great job at. If we receive
multiple covers of the same song, we are just going to choose the better of
the bunch. So whichever song you decide to cover, make sure it is your best
effort because there will most likely be other bands also sending in the
same cover! You don't have to cover the song exactly like Green Day plays
it; you can mix it up and get original with it if you want. Fans tend to
enjoy different versions of their favorite songs. When you have decided
which song you would like to send in, please notify us ASAP so that we can
add your band to our database for this project. Thanks so much and good
luck with whatever song you choose! Congratulations on being invited to
participate in what will indeed be an awesome album when completed!

The deadline for song submission is January 31st of 2002!!!

Remember, for any info or questions please send emails to