Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What do you think of the website ""

A: They're good for covering a different section of music than we cover. Personally (and this is in no way reflective of anyone but myself) I've never liked their site in terms of design and appearance. It has always been hard for me to really look at for any period of time.

But, they are good at what they do and I hear they make more money than we do...So I'm jealous.


Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @dante3000, @amilianne, @kiraface, @mcflynnthm, @kidecono, @MsApocalypse, @mattycantfail, @wackymondo, and @BrittStrummer's every move at Twitter.
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