Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: If you had $75 billion to spend over the next four years and your goal was to advance human welfare, especially in the developing world, how could you get the most value of your money?

A: Build energy efficient, high speed rail in America. This would greatly decrease not only our pollution but our overall consumption of fossil fuel, freeing it up for countries that aren't as advanced as us. Let's be honest the train system in America is a joke and for travel of less than 600 miles a high speed train could complete replace flight. It would change the way America travels and our carbon foot print.


Of course your day wouldn't be complete without knowing every inane detail of your humble editors' lives. Follow @aubinpaul, @adamwhite, @justinaugust, @brian_shultz, @dante3000, @amilianne, @kiraface, @mcflynnthm, @kidecono, @MsApocalypse, @mattycantfail, @wackymondo, and @BrittStrummer's every move at Twitter.
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