Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What is your reaction to bands that make records which seem like a very sudden departure/expansion on their old sound? (I'm thinking things like Brand New's "Deja Entendu," Hostage Calm's Self Titled, Saves the Day's "In Reverie" etc. etc.)

A: I think it's pretty refreshing.
Floral Green
by Title Fight is another example, which I think is a fantastic record. Sometimes it's a bit harder to swallow if a band is going in a more poppy direction (The tendency tends to be that they've "sold out"). But for bands who seem to go a new route for no other reason than it's where they are now as musicians, I think it's brave and entertaining. I don't always LOVE the result but I'd rather have bands always challenging themselves than putting out the same album over and over again.


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