Ted Leo performing at benefit for Wikileaks whistleblower, Bradley Manning

Ted Leo will be headlining a show at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Washington DC to support and raise money for Bradley Manning. Manning stands accused of passing sensitive military and State Department documents to Wikileaks. The organization who are sponsoring the event - the Bradley Manning Support Network - says:

[Manning] exposed war crimes and the behind-the-scenes face of American diplomatic foreign policy without its usual P.R. spin. Bradley faces the prospect of life in prison and has already spent 900 days in confinement awaiting a trial already rife with procedural and human rights violations. The Bradley Manning Support Network is a non-ideological collective funding Bradley's legal defense while working to raise awareness around the issues and revelations contained in the leaks he is accused of facilitating.

Other artists performing include Laughing Man,
Southern Problems and
Jail Solidarity. Tickets are available in advance here.