Reverse the Curse finish new record, 'Existent'

Hiram, OH's Reverse the Curse have wrapped up recording their sophomore release, Existent. The album, which was recorded with Eric Cronstein (The Sidekicks), is expected in spring 2013 via Paper and Plastick. Vocalist Ed Starcher described the new record in his own words:

With Existent, we had a completely new approach to recording and writing... We were writing and demoing stuff out for a year and a half, instead of usually just writing and just recording how we play them. I really love listening to records front to back and going through the experience of a whole record, and that was how i wanted to make this album. I wanted to make it an experience from front to back, a collective piece of art and not just 10 songs. We are very proud of how hard we worked and how much we put in.

Reverse the Curse last released Hither & Yon in 2011.