Streams: Complete Failure: "Errant Social Mile Marker" (Exclusive)

Today's stream comes from Pittsburgh, PA-based Complete Failure. We've got a stream of "Errant Social Mile Marker," the second track from the band's upcoming full-length The Art Gospel of Aggravated Assault, due out February 15, 2013 via Season of Mist. The band told us a little bit about the song:

"Errant Social Milemarker"...This one's about being born into a life of hard work. Its about being expected to follow suit within a bloodline of faith and spirituality. Its about the serendipity of seeing what's most important through love or gratification or art or whatever it is that makes you happy. And subsequently turning your back on your family, faith, friends, and physical being to pursue it. Even if it means that you won't be able to love anything else for the rest of your life. Sort of like when people say that in life you only have room for one true love. Except you never knew how to love all along."

You can find it on their Profile.