Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What's more important: science or art?

A: Damn! Tough question.

At first thought, you have to give it to science. Science is responsible for saving people's lives, making life easier, and basically creating society as we know it. I'm not a science-history professor, but I'm pretty sure that irrigation is the reason for all the things that we have. Without it, we'd still be living in caves and wearing skins. (Well, I still Do do that, but it's a personal choice.)

But, on the other hand, art is what makes life worth living. It allows us to communicate in a realm above language. It allows for the creation of complex and abstract thought. Also, art existed before science. Hence, art is responsible for science, as art was originally used for communication thus allowing the concept of science to be born.

Also, art never killed anybody, but science has killed a TON of people.

Also, science allowed the creation of electronic acts such as The Bunny and the Bear, so science definitely loses.

-John G

PS Though, as terrible as it might be, the bunny and the bear is art without question...

PPS But, if art created science and science is what created the bunny and the bear, does that mean I have to say that art is less important than science, but science is built on top of art, but...


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