We'll Do It Live: Red Scare Across America Tour

And there you have it. Big ups to Tim Browne (Elway), Intruder Blue (Masked Intruder), and Sam Russo for hanging out with us. Be sure to catch these fine folks on the road this summer. You can read the complete Q&A in the comments.
Punknews is a proud sponsor of the Red Scare Across America Tour, that officially kicked off last night in Chicago. To celebrate such, this month's "We'll Do It Live" features a fun cast of characters representing each of the acts on the bill.

So if you have a burning question for Elway, Masked Intruder, or Sam Russo post it in the comments section and look for a response via usernames theproblemwithfieri (Tim Browne from Elway), tabsamuels (Sam Russo), or IntruderBlue (Intruder Blue from Masked Intruder).

Be sure to peep the tour dates here so you can catch these folks in action when they come to your neck of the woods.

FYI: Editors may delete comments that are harassing or unnecessarily rude or offensive. Please play nice and everyone can get something cool out of this.