New Review Update: Larry and his Flask; Psychic Teens

Got a couple of bangers for ya today.

First, staff interviewer Christopher Barrett takes in a Larry and his Flask performance in Brooklyn:

This was the last stop on their current tour, and band played with the energy as if it were their first day out. From moving constantly to getting the crowd involved, there was an electric atmosphere throughout their set. The crowd ate it up and was boisterous and inebriated to say the least, but there was no shortage of dancing and partying on the floor that often spilled onto the stage.

Read Chris' review of the show right here.

Then, burgeoning contributing editor Bryce Lancer gives his thoughts on the new album from Philadelphia's Psychic Teens,

Psychic Teens are simultaneously dangerous and vulnerable. Combining the sheer heaviness of metal, the unmeasured distortion of classic post-punk and the postured distance of '80s goth, the band take these disparate styles and seamlessly meld them into a cohesively ugly, captivating sound. That's no small feat, which makes Come that much more impressive.

Read Bryce's review of Psychic Teens' Come
right here.

Don't forget, all of our reviews can be accessed ay our reviews page. If you'd like to submit your own review, you may do that here.