Contests: Further Seems Forever

And the contests seemingly never stop. For this one, the fine folks over at Tooth & Nail Records are really excited about the just-released new Further Seems Forever album entitled "How To Start A Fire," and want to give away some swag to celebrate. How do you enter? Simply send an email to CONTEST CLOSED with your name, address, and t-shirt size, and you're entered. One entry per person, please. What can you win? Well, three winners will win the following:

  • Further Seems Forever "How To Start A Fire" CD
  • Further Seems Forever "How To Start A Fire" T-Shirt
  • Further Seems Forever posters, stickers, pins, and more!

    The contest will end next Wednesday, so enter quickly!

    Also, don't forget about our Burning Brides/Icarus Line and Rainer Maria/Mates Of State/Owen contests, ending tomorrow and Friday, respectively. Also, our Rise Against guestlist contest ends tomorrow, too, so get on that.