Editors' Picks: Gestalt

Hooray! The papers have cleared, the band has relocated to the Midwest, and now I bring them to you as the new best unsigned band in America. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a German techno duo with a penchant for acoustic love songs. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...


Download these three MP3s in order of their listing to better enjoy and understand the mystery that is Gestalt:
Gestalt - Intro
Gestalt - Sir Francis Mit Bacon
Gestalt - Whining Infidelities
[NOTE: If you're having problems downloading those last 2 songs directly, just go to the band's mp3.com page here.]

Gestalt now has an email address! Send your fanmail to Gestaltx@aol.com. Remember, their English isn't all that good, so be simple.