New Review Update: FLAG; Iceage

We've had a lot of fun covering the FLAG formation and Black Flag reformation this year. Some of you didn't like it so much, but a lot of you did like it, which seems about right. Our coverage (likely) ends tonight with John Gentile's recap of a September FLAG show in Philadelphia that was previously lost due to a hard drive crash:

Keith Morris opened FLAG's September 18 show at the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia with a disclaimer: "First of all, we're FLAG. We are not Black Flag or affiliated with any of those other organizations." The band then broke into an absolutely explosive version of "Revenge." Who knows if the juxtaposition was intentional or random, but the result was clear: FLAG are peerless.

Read the review here.

Then, yours truly takes a look at the new covers 7-inch from Iceage,
To The Comrades / Jackie:

"To The Comrades," a cover of a song originally by Bahumutsi Drama Group, begins with austere piano keys, but swiftly segues into quick drumming (and quicker cymbal hits), intentionally ugly and memorable guitars and Elias Rønnenfelt's slurred snarl. At points, he's reminiscent of a more gutteral Paul Simonon, and the entire song itself has something of a Clash feel, if the Clash were maybe a little less triumphant and a little more downtrodden.

Read the review here.

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