Editors' Picks: Gestalt [again] / Vic Ruggiero

Scott: Well if you know me [or if you read the story below this], you know I love the Smoking Popes. Also, if you know me [or have been following my MP3 of the week posts recently], you know how much I love Gestalt. So what better way to combine my two loves? I'm glad you asked!
Gestalt - Paul
Could that be my favorite German techno band with a penchant for acoustic love songs covering one of Chicago's all-time greats? Yeah, I think it is. Why this wasn't on the official tribute record is beyond me. For more info on the Smoking Popes, head to SmokingPopes.net and for more info on Gestalt, you can email the band at Gestaltx@aol.com [and download more of their MP3s here].Adam: Ok, I've let you all live with Scott's weirdness long enough. His reign of
terror ends now. Here's a track by Slackers
frontman Vic Ruggiero from his independently released solo album "Living in
Sin / Understanding New Jersey." Its a great low-fi rockabilly ditty:
Vic Ruggiero
- Junkie Parents (track offline. email Adam if you want to hear it)

Vic's band The Slackers are working on
a new album that should drop this fall on Hellcat.