New Review Update: New Review Update: Jimmy Eat World; Laura Jane Grace

Our attic cleaning continues today with two "vintage" live reviews. Because these reviews are a little past their "use by" date, I encourage you to view them as documents of a particular time and place, in lieu of "you should or should not go see this show."

What with the new Against Me! album coming out, reader BlankTapesEmptyBottles'
review of Laura Jane Grace live in Providence,
where LJG played some of the brand new tracks in acoustic form, is particularly relevant:

The new songs are some of the darkest stuff she's ever written. The topics ranging not far and dealing with everything she was going through and probably still is. Will her wife leave? Will it just be her and her daughter?

Meanwhile, reader Allular keeps up hip to what's happenin' with Jimmy Eat World in his review of
the band live in Salt Lake City

Leading off with their new single from Damage, "I Will Steal You Back", Jimmy Eat World ripped into their 24-song marathon of a set. Leaving little time for banter, it was still evident that Jimmy Eat World fed off the energy of the room, with Jim Adkins goading the crowd to sing along (as if they needed it).

Looking for another (or any) review? Head here. Want to submit your own review? Do that here.